Programming and optimising production cycles
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On request
37 Waterside Barns, Lodge Farm Centre, Castlethorpe Business, Milton Keynes MK19 7ES

Be able to analyse and program simple applications (part grip and release). Be able to optimise a program.
Hardware Safety Procedures for starting production Production: start - stop
The Simple Pick & Place module Creating cycles with Simple Pick & Place The cycle parameters
Program structure Basic instructions Writing and testing a simple program with cycle parameters IMM / Robot interface Creating and testing a program with interface
Extended programming of the numeric axes and cycle options Numeric control system’s capacities Creating and testing an optimised program Memory management Creating EPS sources The condition test Studying the functions: . Programming on the PC . Simple palletising . The cycle counters Studying real applications
Control system
Visual 2
4 days, of which 50 % practical work - Indicative duration
Method Technicians
Maintenance Technicians
Visual 2 / VISUAL / Visual 3
Be able to analyse and program simple applications (part grip and release).
Be able to fix an electrical problem
Be able to carry out preventive maintenance.
Visual 2 / Touch 2 / Visual 3
Programming and Troubleshooting course and a basic understanding of Programmable Logic Controllers and/or ladder logic.
Visual 2 / VISUAL
Be able to use the robots’ most advanced functions.