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Specially developed by Sepro for injection molding machines, the Visual control platform makes it easier to use and program your robot.

Visual is the universal control platform that controls all Sepro robots, from the 3-axis robot and the 5-axis robot to the 6-axis robot.

Visual, powerful and intuitive,  can control automation systems with up to 16 axes.

Visual is exists with three functionality levels depending on the robot range or application needs:

  • Touch2, simple and intuitive for quickly creating a simple pick & place cycle
  • Visual2 provides speed and intelligence for programming 3 to 5-axis automation systems
  • Visual3 offers even better performances, more functions and network connectivity


Visual, what you see is what you get

  • 10’’ LCD touch control screen
  • Simple Pick & Place module with 3D display on the screen
  • Joystick for making fine and delicate adjustments in the mold
  • Online documentation that can be viewed at any time
  • Troubleshooting available on the screen, fault identification
  • The notepad function to transfer information from one team to another
  • Eco mode: when the cycle is started
  • USB stick to backup and transfer your programs and/or to program different accesses for different operators
  • Ethernet port to connect the robot to your factory’s network or to locally connect a PC

Your Visual universe

Your automation solutions... With Visual!