Sepro Robots Have Invaded NPE2024
Check out our record setting number of robots across the show covering almost our entire robot line!
Booths to Visit:
- Milacron-W1601
Featuring Sepro's Success 33, S5-15 and 6X-140.2 robots
- Bauer-W1589
Featuring Sepro's S5 Picker
- Maruka-W1321
Featuring Sepro's Success 11, Success 22, 5X-15 and 6X-70.2L robots
- Shibaura-W2743
Featuring Sepro's 5X-25 robot
- Incoe-W3761
Featuring Sepro's S5-15 robot
- Chen Hsong-W301
Featuring Sepro's 5X-35 robot